Want to truly engage people ? Then manage them by exception !
The text below in German is the first part of the transcript of a contribution about multicultural management and what it means in the...
Become the Entrepreneur of your Life
We have entered the era of entrepreneurship and therefore you might want to consider developing your entrepreneurial talent to become...
Six Original Quotes on Entrepreneurial Skills
BFCC ADVENT CALENDAR 2017 - PART 4 My gift for the holiday season 2017 is for those who consider becoming entrepreneurial in 2018. They...
Qu'est-ce que le coaching peut faire pour votre IKIGAI entrepreneurial ?
L’IKIGAI est un concept philosophique japonais à la mode qui signifie « raison d’être ». Une représentation courante de l’IKIGAI met en...
Six Original Quotes on Entrepreneurial Mindset
BFCC ADVENT CALENDAR 2017 - PART 3 My gift for the holiday season 2017 is for those who consider becoming entrepreneurial in 2018. They...