coaching and consulting
In our showroom you will find our general agenda, information about what we are up to and about the things we are currently working on as well as the names of our institutional clients and partners
September 17th 2020
When your clients talk about your work with them in their newsletter. You can find the article here. 😊
November 20th 2019
Dominique was invited to a panel discussion about entrepreneurship at the "Institut National du Sport, de l'Expertise et de la Performance" in Paris, France.
November 19th 2019
Dominique held a strategy workshop for Social Fabric in Zurich, Switzerland.
November 12th to 14th 2019
Dominique participated in the region 8 ACBSP conference in Prague, Czechoslovakia, and presented a workshop.
August 2019
Dominique held a workshop during the annual Leadership conference of the Upper Grand District School Board in Ontario, Canada, on transforming education with an Entrepreneurial Mindset.
June 19th 2019
Together with her co-author David Claivaz, Dominique presents her book « Edupreneurial Pivot » in the framework of BeBilo – We talk together, the conference programme of Team Academy at the University of Applied Sciences in Sierre, Valais.
June 3rd to June 4th 2019
As Chairman of the Doctoral School of BSL – Business School Lausanne, Dominique welcomes the candidates of the DBA programme for the doctoral week she has created as signature support for BSL searchers.
May 18th 2019
Together with her co-author, David Claivaz, Dominique presents her book “Edupreneurial Pivot” at the Good Brand Summit at Beau-Rivage Palace in Lausanne. The presentation of Edupreneurial Pivot is the closing keynote of the event.
May 13th to May14 2019
Dominique speaks at the EFMD Conference “Building Excellence in Doctoral Education” in Lancaster, UK. The conference focusses on the training of thesis supervisors.
May 10th 2019
Dominique is interviewed by the magazine Femina. As expert of the Entrepreneurial Mindset, Dominique discusses three questions that are key for those who want to start an entrepreneurial journey. The article can be read here.
May 7th 2019
Dominique is a member of the jury of the second round of Mass Challenge Switzerland 2018.
April 9th 2019
Together with her co-writer, Dominique presents her new book « Edupreneurial Pivot » to more than 50 people at Business School Lausanne. Published on March 28th 2019, « Edupreneurial Pivot » is available in bookshops in France, Belgium, Switzerland and Quebec. It is also available online. More info on www.edpivot.com.
March 1st to March 11th 2019
As Chairman of the Doctoral School of BSL – Business School Lausanne, Dominique visits aSSIST in Seoul in order to develop the programme in South Korea and to meet with the DBA candidates in the dual programme BSL-aSSIST. On march 9th 2019, Dominique is invited by Dr von Castelmur, Swiss ambassador, at the Swiss embassy to present the BSL dual degree programme.
February 2019 on
Dominique has been appointed as Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Doctoral School of BSL-Business School Lausanne (definition of the strategy, the business model, as well as the academic standards).
September 19th 2018
Dominique is online for a webinar for the Cherie Blair Foundation. The webinar aims at women entrepreneurs (from starters to confirmed entrepreneurs). It presents Dominique’s original approach of Entrepreneurial Mindset Coaching under the title : “Developing your entrepreneurial mindset!”
June 14th and June 15th 2018
Dominique conducts a two-day workshop in Basel for the Bank of International Settlements (BIS). The workshop is part of a series offered by the BIS Human Resources Departement. It is aimed at expats who want to start a business and is titled: “Setting up your own business: gain clarity, adopt the mind-set and take action!”
June 4th to 6th 2018
Dominique holds a presentation titled « Why there should not be any second thought linked to an ethical dilemma to prevent education from using business-originated methods to empower change in organization » at Globethics.net International Conference au Château de Bossey.
May 18th 2018
Dominique is part of the jury of the EIT Food accelerator program (FAN) 2018.
The judging round will feature high-tech startups in the food industry, disrupting supply chains, from increasing crop yields, all the way to processing and home delivery.
May 15th 2018
Dominique is part of the jury of the second round of Mass Challenge Switzerland 2018 at the Campus Biotech in Geneva.
May 3rd 2018
Montréal, Quebec. Dominique presents a contribution titled « Approcher l’implémentation de la technologie à l’école avec des outils venus du monde des start-ups » at the 5e Colloque International du Centre de Recherche Interuniversitaire sur la Formation et la Profession Enseignante (CRIFPE) in Montréal.
March 2018
Dominique participates as a coach and mentor at the Start-up weekend in Biel/Bienne. Watch the official trailer.
January to April 2018
Together with Martin Gysler, Dominique leads "L'Accélérateur d'Idées" of JuraCommunity.co, Conducted by two faciltators over a period of three months with twelve workshop days, this programme will provide to participants the knowledge and skills they need to create their own companies, thanks to an exclusive method, the "Mandala Systémique". Link to French document.
June to October 2017
During a four months acceleration program, Dominique has mentored three teams within Mass Challenge Switzerland.
22 October 2017
Dominique is interviewed by Marco Brienza on Airccelerate, the digital platform that accelerates growth. She reviews her career, from the creation of Canal 5 to her current BFCC activities, including Swissmadprod, a company she still manages and that has been recently appointed as editorial producer of the TV show “Les Enfants de la télé” (France 2) and also produces the weekly radio show “On refait la télé” on RTL. Dominique discusses, among others, the evolution of media in the digital age, as well as the difference between coaching, consulting and mentoring.
10 March 2017
11 March 2017
12 March 2017
Women kick-off - A start-up week-end organized by the Club des Femmes Entrepreneures (CFE) / Women Entrepreneur Club in relation with the International Women's Day (8 March). These three days will help you transform your Business into a Start-Up. Dominique will be present as a Coach and member of the Club des Femmes Entrepreneures. Venue: Univercité, 5 chemin du Closel, 1020 Renens.
21 March 2017
9 Mai 2017
13 June 2017
Experienc#Itude - Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Personal improvement
March 21 2017 / 8:30am 6:00pm / Language: Fench
La Werkstadt (SWISSCOM Innovation Center) Bienne/Biel
Since November 2016
Dominique is a coach with "Graine d'Entrepreneurs" - an entrepreneurship program for schools. "Graines d'Entrepreneurs" is a tailor-made entrepreneurship program for schools that unlocks students potential in a stimulating, educational and creative way. It aims to empower the next generation of entrepreneurs, innovators and leaders. www.grainesentrepreneurs.ch
10 June 2016
Business Magazine has published a portrait of Dominique.
9 June 2016
Dominique was present for the SWISSTECH ASSOCIATION in Bern / Urbanfish Coworking Space - Kramgasse 58, 3011 Bern, Switzerland
Several 90' sessions are available and enable you to test your:
1. Elevator pitch, max 1 min without slides
2. 30’ Value Proposition Canvas
3. 30’ Business Model Canvas
4. 25’ Communication & pitch
5. 5’ Elevator pitch
April 2016
Dominique is working as a Business Coach within the Management Training Program "Women back to Business" of the Executive School of Management, Business and Law of the University of St-Gallen, Switzerland.
March - June 2016
Dominique participates in >>venture>> 2016 as Start-up Business Coaches. »venture» 2016 is an initiative of the ETH Zurich, Knecht Holding, the innovation promotion agency CTI and McKinsey & Company, Switzerland. The leading Swiss-wide start-up competition supports young entrepreneurs in founding a company.
March 2016
Dominique participates as a coach and mentor at the Start-up weekend in Biel/Bienne. Startup Weekend Biel/Bienne is a unique opportunity to develop its business idea in 3 languages (French/German/English). What is Start-up Weekend ? A 54-hour event for developers, designers and entrepreneurs to hack on your latest.
February 2016
BFCC is the first Swiss company to become member of the association Innov'acteurs that promotes participatory innovation within companies. BFCC works respecting the Innov’acteurs’ charter. This charter has already been signed by AGC Glass Europe, Air France Industries, AXA France, Enseigne Noz, Entrecom, Fidal Innovation, Groupe La Poste, Inforgon, Kaliris, La Société Générale, Oryx Conseil, Réunica, Groupe Safran, Solvay France and Nexter Munitions.
September 2015 - open end
BFCC participates in the ITU Digital Financial Services Focus Group whose main objectives are to identify the technology trends in digital financial services over the coming years, to contribute to the standardization activities of digital financial services, and to describe the ecosystem for digital financial services in developed and developing countries.
May 2015 - May 2016, Paris, France
BFCC participates, next to La Banque Postale, la Société Générale, le Ministère de l'Economie et des Finances in the thematic group « The Digital transformation of the banking intermediation : FinTechs and ecosystem » on the themes "Technology/Innovation/Ecosystem" and "Management/RH". This thematic group has been organized by FINANCE INNOVATION partnering with ROLAND BERGER and CROSSING-TECH,
November 4th 2015, University Dufour, Geneva
BFCC has been invited by Carrière² - swissuniversity.ch and IDCN (International Dual Career Network) to participate in a day around and about training. BFCC led a discussion panel about entrepreneurship. Dominique has been a keynote speaker on the subject of « Change ». BFCC was also present as a Jury during the pitching contest and offered a brainstorming session to the best pitcher.
September 26th 2015, Lausanne
BFCC conducts a training day on Change : "Change qui peut ! : concepts, stratégies et exercices pratiques pour mieux changer" for 50 women among which 40 members of the association Les Cadrilles, Lausanne.
September 2015
BFCC signs the Work Smart charter. BFCC believes and commits to facilitating its employees a flexible work organization with remote working possibilities.
June 21st 2015, Eltville-Erbach, Germany
Dominique holds a conference at the RWF Rheingauer Wirtschaftsforum 2015 (RWF Rheingau economic forum 2015) on the following subject: "How can companies engage their employees in a multicultural working context?"/ "Wie können Unternehmer das Engagement ihrer Teams in einem multikulturellen Arbeitsumfeld optimal fördern?" .
> www.rheingauer-wirtschaftsforum.de