coaching and consulting
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
Mark Twain
Are you ready to start ?
As a future entrepreneur, you must start by identifying your entrepreneurial spirit and understanding the stakes of entrepreneurship, as well as take the decisive steps towards the definition, validation, creation of your activity, company or start-up.
We help you make this process a fluid and methodic one.
We believe that your will to create or build something is a sign of your entrepreneurial spirit and that questioning your inner entrepreneur is the shortest way to success.
A thorough review of your mindset, personal goals and entrepreneurial strength is there to serve the realization of your entrepreneurial vision.
Gain Clarity
As a future entrepreneur, you must have a thorough knowledge of your talents, skills and goals. We will help you conduct an in-depth audit of your strengths and vision.
The analysis we conduct together is there to allow you to make sure you are clear with a set of personal questions of paramount importance when launching your business :
Who are you?
What are your values?
What drives you?
What is important to you?
What changes do you want to see in the world?
How do you like to work?
What do you do best?
What are your entrepreneurial talents?
What is your relation to time, money, work-life balance?
The answers to these questions assess your readiness to become an entrepreneur.
As a future entrepreneur, you must also be aware that there are many ways in which you can operate:
Do you want to work alone?
Do you want or will you have to partner with someone to feel comfortable/ who and how?
Do you want to be a solo-preneur or an entrepreneur?
Do you want to become a part-time or a full-time entrepreneur?
The audit is there to make you ready to be a new entrepreneur.
Launch your Business
As a new entrepreneur, you have to take the strategic and operational steps that will lead to the successful creation of your business. As experienced entrepreneurs, we help you at every stage of the launching of your activity.
Every business starts with finding an idea. Once you have an idea for your business, you can work on the definition of your products and services. But you will have to make sure that clients are willing to pay for the products and services you want to sell .
We help you define your products and services and their adequacy to your customer segment by working with you on your product market fit and consequently on your value proposition.
Once you have a value proposition designed for the customer segment(s) you want to address, its has to be embedded into a solid business model (describing key activities, key partners, key resources, cost structure, customer relationship, revenue stream and distribution channels)
After these different stages of validation, we can start to work together on a more precise planning of your needs before being able to launch your activity.
We may realize for instance that you need a fund raising to start your activity (financial planning), a big team you still have to find (human resources), partnerships you haven’t found yet (operations), a precise way to get in touch with your customer (marketing, communication), a specific legal framework, etc.
We stand at your side for this reflection and make sure that all needs are addressed, before you move on to the actual launching of your activity.